Saturday, September 10, 2011

Planted Aquarium After 2 months.

Planted Aquarium After 2 months.
Anubias and Amazon seems to be growing fine with some new baby leaves. 
Cabomba(with roots) has shown around 1-2 inches of minuscule growth. I got some more Cabomba which has no roots and they seem to thriving better in my tank, showing almost 1-2 inches of growth in 2 months. 

Weekly 20% water change facilitates new growth, seems like my tank is low on some dissolved nutrients. Need to work on this aspect.

I lost all my snails (4) expect 1, seems like the ecosystem had gone bad.

Aquarium Fertilizer - Something to try out.

For fertilizer heat 3 cups of water to boiling in a large jar or measuring cup. Add the following and stir until dissolved:
  1. 1/4 cup of potassium sulphate
  2. 1/4 cup of epsom salt (magnesium sulphate)
  3. 1/8 cup of potassium nitrate (salt peter)
Put this into a 750ml bottle and keep in a cool place. Sometimes crystals may form if its in the fridge so I add a half tsp of muriatic acid and store it on my shelf.
  • Add 1 tsp of this for each 5 gallons of aquarium water on startup.
  • Each time you change water, add 1 tsp of this for each 5 gallons of water you replace.
  • On startup, add 2 tsps of calcium carbonate for each 10 gallons of aquarium water. SKIP this if your tap water is over 4 GH general hardness.
  • Each time your change water, add 1 tsp of calcium carbonate for each 10 gallons of aquarium water you replace. SKIP this if your tap water is over 4 GH general hardness. See notes on GH.
  • Note that the fertilizer contains no trace nutrient additions. These are provided primarily by your soil.
HINT: mix the calcium carbonate with a jar of water and add this at night around lights off time. It will stay cloudy for several hours. A light layer will also be deposited on the plant leaves but this dissolves slowly by the action of dissolved CO2 in your water.
